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AGE PERFECT POLISHING FACE SCRUB CREME - Defining An Amazing Exfoliation Process!!

An exfoliator would most likely be at the top of your list of three essential items for bright skin. After all, exfoliation involves sloughing away dead skin cells to expose the fresher, more luminous ones beneath. Your products will soak in more efficiently if your skin has resurfaced.

Despite the advantages of exfoliating, excessive usage can cause redness, irritation, and even outbreaks. Furthermore, employing an exfoliant that is either too harsh or too delicate for your skin type will detract from the radiant appearance you desire. To find a happy medium, be sure you're not scrubbing too much. One or two times a week is a good scrubbing routine if you have dry or sensitive skin.

Furthermore, the exfoliation process is the act of removing dead cells from the top layer of skin, in order to accelerate cell turnover. It can help skin seem smoother, brighter, clearer, and more vibrant right away and over time.

One of the best examples of scrub cream providing an Exfoliating Cream is known to be recognized by the name of BIOAYURVEDA AGE PERFECT POLISHING FACE SCRUB CRÈME


To slough away blackheads and shrink pores, this scrub is blended with walnut, coconut oil, rose extracts, orange, and turmeric essential oils, making it especially effective on the face area. It's followed by a thorough exfoliation that buffs away impurities and dust to reveal smoother, softer skin. For its exfoliating function, it contains plant-based nutrients. It's also devoid of oils and parabens, and it's cruelty-free certified. It is truly designed to revive, freshen, and exfoliate the skin.




Walnuts are a popular meal with several health advantages, ranging from improved heart health to diabetes management and cancer prevention. The wonderful benefits of walnuts for skin and hair wellness may come as a surprise to many.


  • It brightens the skin.
  • It moisturizes.
  • Removes dead skin cells, acne, and aging symptoms.
  • Holds antioxidant properties.


The last thing that springs to mind when thinking of the health advantages of coconut oil is spreading the edible plant fat all over your skin and hair. However, proponents of natural beauty are beginning to recognize the plant's potential.


  • It reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • It moisturizes the skin.
  • It's an excellent foundation for the exfoliation process.
  • It soothes redness that is just transitory.


With its lovely look, pleasant aroma, and numerous medicinal effects, the rose embodies the notion of beauty from the inside out in Ayurveda.


  • It aids in the toning and cleansing of the skin.
  • It has the ability to remove blemishes.
  • It helps to clear up acne.
  • It tightens and moisturizes the skin.


The tangy-sweet flavor of oranges is well-known, as are their nutritional advantages. It includes a variety of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help to cure your skin.


  • It is a fruit that has anti-acne nutrients.
  • It assists in the attainment of radiant skin.
  • It's a tried-and-true anti-aging treatment.
  • It aids in the whitening of the skin.


Turmeric is beneficial to the skin in a variety of ways. This age-old substance is high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that aid in the treatment of a variety of skin issues.


  • Removes dark circles.
  • Reduces the appearance of scars and markings
  • Acne treatment
  • It hydrates dry skin.

Exfoliation Process

Fairly defined, exfoliation buffs away and removes dead skin cells, keeping your skin velvety soft and smooth.

Every 30 days or so, your skin naturally loses dead skin cells. New skin cells create the top layers of your skin when this happens. If the dead cells do not shed, the skin might become dull, dry, and flaky.

Exfoliating is the act of eliminating dead skin cells from the surface of your skin to assist speed up that process. 

How should your skin be exfoliated?

It's critical to be careful with your skin when exfoliating. Excessive abrasion can dry out the skin and cause microtears. Exfoliating scrubs and creams work best on moist skin, so lather up and exfoliate after your daily shower or evening bath.

Make tiny, circular strokes over the area you want to exfoliate, whether you're using an exfoliating scrub or an exfoliating body puff or brush. Exfoliate for 20-30 seconds on each spot and then rinse with warm water. Apply a nutritious body moisturizer after exfoliating to keep looking for healthy skin.

Wrap Up

Using a mild scrub cream to enable the exfoliation process for your face skin may be an excellent approach to care for your skin. It aids in the removal of dead skin cells and excess sebum from the face, resulting in smooth, soft skin. In a nutshell, BIOAYURVEDA AGE PERFECT POLISHING FACE SCRUB CREAM is exactly what you need!!

Well, congrats, because now that you know all of the advantages, you can start using the product right now and reap the benefits.

Happy Skin Care!!


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