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Dhuli Urad Dal - Taste The Best

When I was a youngster, dal was a mainstay in our home. Not several dals, but dhuli urad in particular. There was always some dal lingering in the kitchen; we couldn't avoid it! My mum prepared dal practically every day, with white rice and a vegetable to accompany it.

So, dal is a comfort dish for me just; it isn't for my siblings. I don't get to eat it as frequently as I used to since my family dislikes dal and I recently developed a small sensitivity to dhuli urad dal. But when we have to eat out for several meals at a time due to travel or even just a hectic week, I adore resetting with a plate of rice and dhal with such a sprinkle of ghee on top!

I haven't been able to duplicate my mom's dal. I can make the other dishes quite well, but I have no idea how to make dal. And I haven't spent the time to master her recipe since my siblings start trouble whenever dal is on the table. When I do prepare dal, I prefer to keep it simple and use the fewest spices possible so that I can really appreciate the nutty taste of cooked dhuli urad. I used to eat the cooked dal plain as a kid till my mum took it away to use it in her Tarka!

Also, there was one interesting fact that I learned from mom about dal. Dals are often washed before cooking, although only a tiny portion is soaked. Legumes like rajma and chole need to be soaked overnight in order to cook quickly. Other dals are often not pre-soaked because they cook rapidly. Nevertheless, did you even know that soaked dal offers a number of advantages and is essential before cooking?

Dals that have been soaked have a higher rate of mineral absorption. An enzyme known as phytase is activated when the dal is soaked for a period. Phytase assists in the binding of calcium, iron, and zinc as well as the degradation of phytic acid. The process of absorption is substantially streamlined by this.


In English and Ayurveda, urad dal is also known as black gram/Masha. In the Ayurvedic medical system, it is utilized for a variety of therapeutic applications. It is a nutrient-dense source that increases energy.

The high fiber content of urad dal aids in better digestion. Due to its laxative qualities, it may also help treat constipation by encouraging bowel movements. Due to its aphrodisiac properties, regular consumption of urad dal increases men's desire for sexual activity, which in turn helps control sexual dysfunction. Dhuli Urad is thought to benefit diabetics by lowering blood sugar and release.

Due to its Guru (heavy) and Balya qualities, Urad dal is said to aid in weight growth when added to a regular diet.

Urad dal paste mixed with rose water and honey applied to the face aids in skin whitening by lowering melanin formation and enhancing skin health. Applying an urad dal hair mask to the scalp will help reinforce and extend hair as well as control dandruff.

Refrain from eating excessive amounts of urad dal at night since it takes longer to digest. In order to avoid stomach issues, it is also advised that pregnant women who have constipation stay away from Urad dal and foods cooked with it.


Our meal plan is fundamentally incomplete without dals. Dals have always been our go-to comfort food since they are readily available, rather delicious, and healthful. Due to its low cost and smooth integration into our life, we frequently miss or undervalue its excellent health-enhancing properties and instead go for some exotic, branded food products to obtain nourishment. Why should we needlessly travel further for nourishment when we may benefit so greatly from our nearby, nutrient-dense dals?

Let us have a look at some of the amazing benefits of dhuli urad dal - 

  1. This dal is a fantastic vegetarian source of protein.
  2. It is abundant in minerals such as calcium, folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, and others.
  3. It is simple to digest since it contains a lot of fiber.
  4. Additionally, urad dal lowers cholesterol and is healthy for your heart.
  5. It also boosts libido and is regarded as a natural aphrodisiac.

The most intriguing part is that you don't have to travel very far to get all of these advantages. You may order dhuli urad using the BIOAYURVEDA APP in just a few minutes and receive it the same way.

So why are you still waiting?

Order from the link below to add a spoonful of nutritious joy to your meal plan in the style of urad dal (dhuli).

Unpolished Dal. Pure happiness.

Your key to holistic living.


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